Birth Injury Glossary - H
Understanding Birth Injury Terms and Definitions
The material contained in medical records and research materials usually contains words that are unfamiliar and new. The Cerebral Palsy Glossary contains definitions of terms and acronyms that are commonly associated with cerebral palsy.

- 1. The percentage by volume of red blood cells in a given sample of blood, after it has been spun in a centrifuge. A hematocrit ranging from 42-52 % in males and 35-47% in females is typically considered normal. 2. A centrifuge used to determine the relative volumes of blood cells and plasma in a sample of blood.
- An iron-containing pigment of red blood cells that caries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body.
- Damage to cells in the central nervous system that occurs when the entire brain is deprived of an adequate oxygen supply. Newborn HIE might result in cerebral palsy, though research in this area is still inconclusive.
- Abnormally high blood pressure, usually indicated by a systolic pressure of 140 or greater, and a diastolic pressure of 90 or more. Hypertension is a risk factor for various conditions, including heart failure, end-stage renal disease, and retinal hemorrhage.
- 1. Having extreme muscle tone or tension 2. (Chemistry) Having a higher osmotic pressure than a surrounding medium.
- Abnormally low blood pressure.
- Hypotonia means decreased muscle tone. It can be a condition on its own, called benign congenital hypotonia, or it can be indicative of another problem where there is progressive loss of muscle tone, such as muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy.
- A blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
- A pronounced deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching body tissues.
- Insufficient blood supply in tissues as a result of inadequate blood supplies.