Birth Injury Glossary - L
Understanding Birth Injury Terms and Definitions
The material contained in medical records and research materials usually contains words that are unfamiliar and new. The Cerebral Palsy Glossary contains definitions of terms and acronyms that are commonly associated with cerebral palsy.

Labia Majora
- Two long “lips” of skin, one on each side of the vaginal orifice, that form the boundaries of the vulva.
Labia Minora
- Two thin folds of skin between the labia majora on either side of the urethral and vaginal openings.
- Any of the four folds of tissue of the external female genitalia.
- The physical efforts by a woman to expel a fetus and its placenta from the uterus during delivery. Labor includes a prolonged period of involuntary uterine contractions.
Late Deceleration
- A decrease in the fetal heart rate, which may indicate hypoxia. Also may indicate inadequate blood flow through the placenta.